
Showing posts with the label TO KNOW

Intresting fact - learn from ants - life lessons !!!!!!!

 ANTS:          While saying about ants the first thing comes to our mind is it's very small insects, it bit us and the next  thing comes to our mind is it's very agility .    But the best thing i learn from ants is ;          " Ants have two stomach ; in one stomach it take good for themselves and on other stomach it's take food for other ants ".         It's was one of the most interesting fact i like about ants .        That small insects have the knowledge of sharing with others and caring for other ants . But while coming to humans we need to think about that .  Did we share or take care of others ?             Most of the time our answer will be 'No' . We forget about all other and we mostly act as selfish, but not all are selfish.             While seeing our wold every where fight, ego, war , etc .              We need to think about it , we believe that we humans are most intelligent in this world . But within us there is more hates , seperati

It's DECEMBER - Questions to myself???

 December the last month of an year , yes it's only one month more to complete this year and to welcome New year.      One this December month ask some questions to yourself  1 . What i done this year for my growth ?  2. Weather i followed all my new year resolutions? 3. Did I make any mistakes this year ? 4 . weather i am happy this year ?  5 .Did all my dream come true?          It's one more month to make this year a most memorable  and valuable one .           Think what u need and atleast just try to do what u actually plan to do this year .            Atleast make yourself happy by trying what u actually need .            Let's this December month fills with lots of happiness and love and success    

Key for success - How to win in life - secret password revealed 🔥 let's do it ...

  KEY FOR SUCCESS             There is one secret password for success, if you apply that password in your life , the success will automatically open for you . The password:                 " CASH  "     Yes ,cash is the password for success ; But this cash is something different , lets try the password                     C- CONFIDENCE                      A- ATTENTION                     S- SINCERITY                      H- HARD WORK  CONFIDENCE                First of all belive in yourself that you can do it , if you are confidence about what you need? and what u doing? then believe it that you crossed half of the way to reach the goal .  ATTENTION                It is nothing but focus , just focus of the way that you need to travel , don't get distracted by any thing ,put your 100% attention towards your goal and keep moving towards it .    SINCERITY                 Be sincere towards your work , be sincere to yourself . If you want anything you just go for it till

Thought - WIN OR FAIL

" WIN OR FAIL  its don't matter , because if you WIN it's means                W- Where or What                 I- Is                 N- Next  If u FAIL  its means                  F - First                  A - Achivement                  I - In.                     L- Life   Just think one thing,  win or fail it doesn't means it's an end , it just a step in you long life . The journey is still going on for next step and soo on . So just move on with what you have now .             Don't be sad of failing because if you are sad and stop doing there is nothing going to change .Think one thing before stopping it's your life it's all bout you if you need to make your life better , don't think what others think of you , you no need to prove yourself to any others , just prove yourself that you are the best and you can do it.


 நான் எடுக்கும் புது முயற்சி " நாம்" ஒன்றாய் சேர்ந்து பயணிப்போம் . RISE YOUR VOICE FOR YOU RIGHTS BECAUSE YOUR VOICE IS YOUR RIGHTS.                               நாம் -NAAM